Father Adrián Santarelli has a special, enlightened calling to work for an Alliance for Peace with members of different faiths and cultures. For this mission, he received the blessing of His Holiness Pope Francis.

The Alliance for Peace is a call to humanity to live in peace in our hearts, in our communities and on our planet.

It summons all to pray for peace, educate in transformation for peace and act for the peace and salvation of our common home.

Hearts for Peace seeks to motivate a profound transformation, a change of hearts and habits across faiths and cultures.

So while our content necessarily has a strong educational objective and a call to action, significant focus is on our conscience and common values. We believe in a unique creative Force, a common origin. We seek to restore the blessing of that unity, as brothers from one Creator.

  • Pray.

    (to find unity)

    We encourage individuals from all walks of life to join in prayer, uniting their intentions for peace across the globe. Through our efforts, we strive to foster empathy, understanding, and compassion, as we envision a world where prayer serves as one of the main ways in which to transform our hearts towards en ever-lasting peace in the world.

  • Learn.

    (to transfrom)

    We facilitate interfaith dialogue, workshops, and seminars to provide opportunities for individuals to learn about different religions, cultures, and perspectives. By promoting understanding and dispelling stereotypes, we seek to encourage empathy and compassion.

  • Take Action.

    (to heal & restore)

    Practical efforts make a positive impact in the world. At Hearts for Peace, we encourage members and volunteers to engage in humanitarian initiatives, community service projects, and advocacy work that address social issues and contribute to building a peaceful society. By working together across religious boundaries, we believe we can create tangible change and promote peace in their communities.

“It is neither a culture of confrontation nor a culture of conflict which builds harmony within and between peoples, but rather a culture of encounter and a culture of dialogue; this is the only way to peace.”

— Pope Francis (Sep 1, 2013)