✶ Building Bridges for Peace ✶

✶ Building Bridges for Peace ✶

Explore an ever-evolving collection of actions of peace by brothers and sisters we have partnered with to work towards a common vision a more peaceful world.


Comunidad Belén - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Led by Fr. Adrian Santarelli, Comunidad Belén serves as a dedicated example of community peace-building. Together with Hearts for Peace, we jointly provide learning resources, such as the "Peace Diploma," which prepares individuals to become Agents of Peace. This partnership involves collaborative efforts to promote and guide peace initiatives.

Hermanos de la Calle - Miami, USA: In partnership with Hermanos de la Calle, we offer spiritual and fraternal support to the volunteers who dedicate their time and efforts to help the homeless. Additionally, at Hearts for Peace we act as the godfathers of a refugee house named San Jerónimo, providing support and guidance to the refugees living there. This collaboration focuses on nurturing the well-being of volunteers and refugees while working together to address homelessness and promote compassion and solidarity within the community.

San Damián de Molokai School - Bañados, Paraguay: We provide vital funds to ensure that the children attending the elementary school receive nourishing meals. This collaboration aims to improve the quality of education and the overall well-being of the children, contributing to a more peaceful and equitable society.


Angela Paniza, a talented artist and committee member of Hearts for Peace, wrote and performed the song “Resplandecer” inspired by the Alliance for Peace spirituality promoted at Hearts for Peace.

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